Saturday, July 12, 2008

A Few Pictures

We are having trouble uploading pictures but here are a few more for everyone to enjoy. One at the airport at 2:00 am in the morning and the other of David holding Sarah. Spaghetti for supper tonight. It was delicious! We just finished a unifying time of worship and sharing and are going to bed for the evening. Many have commented already how they feel like we have been here for weeks and not just 24 hours so far. God has already done so much in our hearts and lives, He has touched many in a very personal way in a short period of time. Praise God for His ability to speak into our lives so quickly!
Oh, by the way, several of you have commented on these posts, how encouraging. for those of you who have been checking this site but didn't know you could comment at the end of each post there is a button you can select called "comment" and you can write us a note. we'll try to pass on whatever messages you might send. Good night everyone. You'll hear more from us tomorrow.


The Mad Dog said...

Our overall views might differ significantly, yet I think what you and your team are doing transcends all human judgment. May our Creator bless and keep you all in your mission.

Fitmom said...

This is awesome what ya'll are doing their at EN. We are adopting 2 babies right now from their at EN. Their names are Jose Eduardo and Flory Alexandra.

lisa said...

Thank you for the news and the pictures.Glad you arrived safely and all is going well. I don't think I was signed in correctly last evening so the following may be a repeat. Sorry if it is.
Sarah, Thunder won two games but then lost to Renegades. Tim pitched 3 innings of an exciting win. Marmol won't pitch today. Go Cubs!!Love you!!
We will be praying for all of you.